Sunday, April 10, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

so tired........

Sunday, March 13, 2011

what a life!! simply feel like a fat ass. when night falls, I think of maggi only. wait baby car comes back, I wanna go Mt. Kiara Swensen's & picnic. wait I save enough money n energy, I wanna go Malacca, gg miss the nyonya food there. but now, I really feel like going Sunway with 3 xin. god damn..kill me. where do I get all these money??? n I still owe my two best friends money D: not being realistic, just that everything in the world needs money. I mean...of course money can't do anything to certain phase, yet no matter where you go, once you're out from the house, meaning that money gonna flows away already. I hope money falls from the sky ._.

oops....not forgetting, let's pray for a better tomorrow. grateful ♥

Monday, February 21, 2011

Expect nothing and you'll be surprised of something

hmm....every day was a precious gift for me. life was really awesome! :D I felt 24 hours wasn't enough for every single day. received one little warm thing from some old buddies yesterday. thanks everyone who made my day! I love you guys so much, especially the few few of you. (you know who am I saying right??) haha~♥ today last day of Ielts preparation course liao. oh sad..2 weeks' time is too fast. guess what?..Aaron same class with me! damn unpredictable. n I love ms. emma! I actually quite enjoyed studying there besides the fucking ccy bastard. gained all newSs there. learned new things, new challenges, met new faces and talked with people from diff countries. not bad tho. n yes, will be boarding 4pm flight later HK. gotta take lots of lots of pix back as gift for you guys. ciaoz :3 DO NOT MISS ME *shy*

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
whoots, so fast! another one year again. really can't believe that. I here wish all of you 身体健康 n 心想事成  :D

let pictures do talking

 you guys always the best ♥ we really grown up a lot
 too, always less 1. when will we have the perfect 8?
 you know how hard we took this photo? set timer n put the cam on top of my bottle to reach the height. haha!
 we talk we play we laugh we complain ♥ love you guys
oh yeah, n we do crazy things together! =p

Sunday, January 30, 2011

the truth hurts

It's like my mind knows what's right but my heart is being retarded and still cares.

oh shit! I fucking love my blonde new hair & my rose reddish nails :D damn fast, chinese new year is just around the corner. (meaning that my 18 birthday coming soon! aha =p)

right, I've started to feel my life a bit meaningful now. got new aim n the most important is I at least know what to do the next morning I wake. it's gonna be busy. oh yes!

things to do:
tidy up my room and redecorate with super chio photos
study hard
play hard *lols 
sleep early, bidding wait goodbye

Sunday, January 23, 2011

pixs of the day

I miss all of you! n I love you guys so much! :)

don't know when only we will meet again. hope it will be very soon ba.
I remember I've once mentioned to blog about the trips we went last year. but well, just keep it as memories that last forever between us. It's too much to talk n I really don't know where to start from.