Thursday, August 5, 2010

Life is our gift from god, our gift to god is how well we live our lives.

I would like to share the following story which I did in the story-telling session in my class with u guys. It's meaningful.

“美国人爱德华是一名登山家,登山既是他的职业,也是他的生命。10年间,他已成功地把世界几大高峰踩在脚下。然而,在向世界最高峰Mt. Everest挑战时,他爬上了6000米的高度,却因为心脏原因不得放弃登顶。

就在爱德华满怀失败的痛苦,准备回国的时候,他注意到了Mt. Everest脚下尼泊尔贫穷的乡村,那里连一所学校也没有,无学可上的孩子们睁着大眼睛看这那些来自世界各地的登山者,眼神好奇而空洞。看到这些孩子们,爱德华想,既然自己这辈子已经无缘登上Mt. Everest 的绝顶了,何不为山脚下的孩子们做点儿有意义的事呢?


在一次采访中,爱德华说:“幸亏我当初没有登上Mt. Everest的绝顶,要不,我也不会把眼光放到脚下这些贫穷的孩子身上。把眼光放到低处,我才发现,成功原来也可以是另外一种样子。


2nd-6th of Aug
Mon- school as usual, last day of society and we were insisted to attend the farewell. some butter cakes & chrysanthemum juice slightly pumped into bellies of us.

Tue- had a try on the new flavour bugger named GCB with J & Y. It was a healthier way of eating fast food I guess. however, I would prefer mc-chicken to gcb :)  today was Ying's sis n my sis birthday too. Happy Birthday! kiddies

Wed- tuition as usual, slacked as usual. Happy Birthday to ming xu :) he's a great funny guy.

Thurs- commontest: economic and english. luckily they were the only 2 this week, others were all postponed to next week. my enemy faked a goodbye to me when school dismiss. swt, so geli~  oh Joshua oh..cute guy he is.  I hope we can be friend!

Fri- my lovely bro, congratz huh! have a blast in your coming 17. Happy Birthday


hsin said...


have a blast~

Anonymous said...

my lovely bro ??..wat o u..haha..
mat ling..
thks wor..^_^..
hehe ><