Tuesday, December 1, 2009

1st Dec09'

here the ♥ I send to my loved-one

lovely berries originally from Cameron.thx a lot! ^^

it's the first of Dec.gosh..so fast! here comes to the end of the year.went ts today with lotsa who idk them.Boss,Yixiang,Chengda,Loyce n Ryan.btw,they r nice,friendly bt Ryan always neglected by them.bowling + new moon again.ate my lovey again too--SUBWAY(turkey).we baskin robbins as well,had a choc flavor one:DD right thn we trained down to mv.visited Jiajia,Wenjian,Kenlen n xiao fei.Wenjian looks like a china man in his uniform while Kenlen keep laughing when he saw me peeped from the glass.Wenjian served us tea.poor little guy let us fool around.*psps*

sorry ying,I was unable to meet u even I was near to u.I'm sorry,love you though.

do you know how scare am I to lose u as someone who I trusted?guess u will never know.everyone's complaining for ur recent attitude.R u suffer from smth or what?idkidk..cant read ur mind also.just hope tt u r fine or ur listener like we did last time.

kay,what a fuck weird night is this.Haur,he find me to chat about our past.We talked things n feel hidden in the past n the decisions we made.feel better with him.I duno whether isit a right choice or not.I dun wanna guess so much also,just hope tt it's really heart-to-heart this time.

I dun wanna lose anyone of U.can u guys understand tht? thats nt what I wan.We spent such a long time to build our friendship n is not that easy.even we changed,bt at least try to hold on the r/s we have.

sien.fucking miss tht stupid!! I should pull myself back,cant I.
urgh...hate my fugly skin.

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