Tuesday, June 15, 2010

frankly, I've nothing to say. haha, just too bored here.
pray hard for the later morning. yay :>

yesterday went Shah Alam to visit a new-born baby. A baby's laughter is so precious,million-ga-zillion cute. headed down to Klang for a seafood feast. gosh,I love crab n fried oyster. right then we spotted a fun fair, so we grasped chance to have rides on spinning swing and ferris wheel.

have fun watching world cup~

the depth that you love is the depth you can hurt


loong said...

ur blog new back ground ROXX!!
ur middle finger more R0X L0L XD

Yingz said...

wow u have a long long tongue!

Elise said...

Loong: yeng right? muahahaha
Ying: not the round fat short tongue anymore :D

loong said...

OMG owl city :D
it's roxx
i wan copy ur style le :D no copyright right? lmao

Elise said...

can,copy laaaa
bt then must register trademark
u're my papa,free of charge :>