Saturday, July 17, 2010

perhaps we should learn to appreciate instead of those countless complains. but I really beh tahan already, felt like a bursting balloon.

wtf, whats wrong with the people nowadays huh? all keep pissing me off only. fuck off, do you know how irritating n disgusting u are? If I could, I would like to give all of you a slap n wake you up. furthermore, if one day I'm given a chance to talk, I would like to tell u, people are not made to be like that, they changed because some incident struck their life. we'll never understand their situations. no matter how much u don't like that person, please at least respect her/ him! u idiot, don't act like a self-assured, keep criticizing people only.

damn tired, endless exam whole week down. n none of the exams I satisfied one, freaking disappointed. I did my worst add maths paper today even though I'm not good at it ordinary. wasted a period of time sitting there and waited for the bell rang only, fuck myself. SPM how ar? could hardly imagine it.

went Tropicana for dinner few days ago. oh, the best sesame ice-cream I had ever <3 ps, too busy with the food n had forgotten to snap some pic of food. nvm, still got numerous self-admired one (: met Celine who just back from UK. life there seemed so nice but homesick is kind of problematic. I think it's really time for me to make my mind clear where to study, what course to take, blablabla... I hope I can grow stronger like her.

welcome to 猪之天地 ^o^

today's Chinese compo, 假如时光能倒流. If I can turn back the pendulum, I will leave no regrets or blank in my life,I won't miss out any chance to hold the bond with my ex-best friends. I'll fill them up with lots of concern. sometimes I thought we knew each other really well after the entire year, things no need to mention much as long as we still care for each other. even now I still remember how we used to crapped so much, slept so much, played so much n u guys told me that was the happiest year we had been so far. but sometimes also I realized that my perception was totally wrong. I saw their new friends via blog, facebook etc. yea, the cycle moves fast n it won't slow down just because I miss them.

raindrops falling. Good night, pal ♥


hsin said...

to pig,
we go eat next time?lol
dont sad la...exam is gone..
gah yao gah yao!

X2JIA said...

I guess u've some piggy genes since u were born. Hahha, blame on one bah :D