Thursday, September 9, 2010

GUYS, how u doing lately???

oh fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk!! tak boleh tahan anymore, feel like being jailed for thousands n thousands years. god save me out please!! n u know, my impulses were sent to reactivate the facebook just a minute ago, but I failed. fuck u fuck u. I thought it can be reactivated anytime if I wish.

I'm dreadfully overcome by happiness. don't-know-why! ahahahaha

quick review- well, almost every day soak in those never ending teevee programme. fuck yeah! great way to achieve success :( busy with some interesting plans, trips n so on, blablabla....

had a yam-cha session n tons of bullshitting jokes with dear best friends today. with "0" penny, we went down to town. luckily our Mammon brought us some $$. thanks ya! were thinking to wander around at KLCC but the shock wave prompted us to Pavilion. that's a good idea if the terrorists wanna bomb KLCC down like the 911 incident. yeah, snowflakes right after that, home sweet home luhz. awesome~

gotta thanks wenjian who brought me berries today. oh you lovely berries. I love I love, they were all as lovely as me. c'mon, * high 5. anyway, once again, thanks a lot~

spot this man, super handsome super cute super smart etc.


Jiajia. said...

Fuck u,mommon ur head = =
not handsome at all la!!!
mine whole lots better kay!

Elise said...

pi gu la, he really so handsome. urgh, feel like kissing him
wei, why u dun on msn?

hsin said...

berries?== lol
happy to 'Redirecting..' this word on the tab eh :D
fun max today!!!