Sunday, January 17, 2010

great Sun.
woke really early this morning n the first few words came to me, "going where later?" oh my lord,did my face shows that I m so keen to escape from this little hut?
needless to say,bombarded the gym chalet this evening again.3 things made me felt I lost 1kg there.gym,tennis & swim.realized sth-----tennis isn't as easy as I thought.the ball is uncontrollable! I NEED A TENNIS COACH!! after all,went to eat 瓦煲鸡饭^^ nice leh,next time I drive u all n we go together.
well,tired enough for this day.gotta sleep.buhbye to my homework even I love u all but I prefer cherish a deep love for my bed now.mama helped me wrote the calligraphy.luckily counted as ok,hahaha caught u,u are my next helper xoxo

HAPPY B.DAYdearest yiTing & Zhenyan

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