Sunday, May 9, 2010

whoots,I am fully charged now. sleeping for 14 hrs is awesome! went to the mirror and take a look of myself. YES,eye bags are gone. sadly, I got the shock of my life. shaped like a fatball. I WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT!

firstly, Happy Birthday,Hsin!!      
lunch @ Sakura for the celebration. most of us had nasi lemak,was nice!

badminton match was so suck ytd. I admitted that's all my fault for not trying my best,but I just hardly concentrated on it. sry,just blame if u want.

I heartily feel that I am so nerd among the couples. If I have the so-called him, I mightn't shop alone or act like a lamp post between the couple these effing humiliating deeds. I asked "isit I am ugly?" maybe it's my fault again as what KH told me. I thought I need not bother ppl's view as long as I m not that kind of, those who really know me will understood. but then after ytd I realized is not at all, I am still the materialistic to him. People cheered for them,people want to make friend with them,people remember them only. no matter how much effort I had put,just that easy to be be neglected. terribly sick...

lastly,thanks Wen Jun for your bubble tea n those for giving me so much encouragement during that match.

Happy Mother's Day!! mom's homecoming today. have been 1 week she left us,damn miss her luhz. it's really blissful with her in life.

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