Thursday, January 21, 2010

not even a hi-bye fren,你觉得我不会比你更伤心.他已经习惯、麻木了冷淡的回应.那天听她那样一说,听起了更伤心.我们当中没有一个跟他熟吗?为什么我不是唯一?.最近每次看到他,他的眼神都不再回过来,但只要她一出现一切都会变得不一样.从认识到现在我们都很少有机会谈天,很羡慕你们可以做到酱,这种事不可能发生在我身上.哪一句是真心哪一句是banye才说的对我来说有分别吗?如果那一点点的愧疚还在就好,至少他还是会在乎.因为我也会在乎他.

look at your attitude,made me wept like a clown with mask. forget it if I did the same thing to you before,were purposely.well,go L! not to sad for the old nanny things anymore.this is the last LAST time.(even I promised that was the last time I wrote him)but still,I hate his coldness n all sorts of his current attitudes.I want the old version one come back,don't change.I'll try my best to hold this thing on,my friend.

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