Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Happy Birthday to my cute HAO ♥

even more n more exams will be given but still...gotta scream all the tiredness out,last day of the standardized test---yeah!

had buffet w cronies today @Shabu-shabu. hahaha..I'm so proud of my fatty round tummy. swallowed tons of food,but it still unbelievably survive now and I realized that it is a huge larder. nearly died laughing with the craps n some clumsy deeds. had a walk nearby the shop-lots after lunch as the rain was still pouring down. and then we went to Y house,watched ToothFairy. I could feel the vibrations from my belly,what a funny movie. all of us moved to pasar malam about 6 sth,made 3 rounds in our route and WALKed back to her house again. did drawing assignment for Min Hao (am so keen to see his look on our T works tomorrow :D) whatever it is, fucking lmao with the red lippy thing.

life's like this,happy n sad going up n down.

sticky beef

here are part of the eggs only,all tgt we ate are 18

good girls gone wild

a spectacular sunset


Yingz said...

u looks like a kid with the laz pic!

hsin said...

hey sweety;)
so happy recently hor?
because we have you this precious baby..lol

Elise said...

ying: got meh? still so cute la ^^

hsin: haha,think so. stay happy n bright,YES.